[Interview Translation] Histrion Lee Jung Hyun Receives Praise For His Functioning Equally Tsuda Inward 'Mr. Sunshine'

Q. Many people learned near histrion Lee Jung Hyun for the commencement fourth dimension through 'Mr. Sunshine'. Please innovate yourself.
  • My lift is Lee Jung Hyun, I am a 1990-er. My hometown is Gimje. I majored inwards Judo at Yong In University together with minored inwards law administration.

Q. If you lot fifty-fifty majored inwards it, weren't you lot basically thinking seriously near the path of a judo athlete.
  • It's an upshot I enjoyed then I tried hard. But I wasn't super expert at exercising together with it was my destination to travel through college alongside this sport. Because my household province of affairs wasn't that good, the stance of going to college itself wasn't easy. I stance that if I apply to Yong In University together with don't acquire it, I won't travel to a dissimilar college but I'll only enlist. Because I got into the school, I was able to travel through college. Judo was similar my breakthrough during my high schoolhouse days. At the time, the most successful Judo athlete inwards Gimje was a instructor at my school, my friends learned a lot of Judo too. I wanted to acquire from a expert instructor together with because my friends were learning it, I was naturally working hard on Judo. 

Q. When did you lot create upwardly one's heed on becoming an actor?
  • After graduating from college, I wanted to notice a fun job. At that time, I've tried everything but they weren't equally enjoyable equally I stance it would be. Being an histrion was something I dreamed near when I was younger. Since I was already inwards Seoul, I decided to receive got upwardly the challenge. I tried really hard. I thought, why are you lot scared when you lot didn't fifty-fifty effort it, then I blindly ran towards acting. I started subsequently watching a surgical operation at schoolhouse together with I fifty-fifty attended acting school.   

Q. What variety of travel did you lot do? If your fiscal province of affairs wasn't how you lot wished it was, you lot must non receive got been able to alternative your income, you lot must receive got worried a lot. (t/n: The enquiry is basically saying, since he didn't receive got the best fiscal situation, he must non receive got had the luxury to alternative together with direct jobs)
  • I worked equally a personal trainer at a gym, a safety guard at the Korea Racing Authority, production staff for dramas, together with diverse jobs for directing teams. While working equally a personal trainer, I earned a piddling flake to a greater extent than compared to others my age, but that coin didn't brand my life enjoyable.

Q. What was the reaction similar when you lot told the people or then you lot that you lot were going to act?
  • I didn't tell my friends. I receive got a vogue to intend similar an 'outsider'. (laughs) Even if I had friends, I never went or then clumped alongside them. Even during unproblematic school, I had an introverted type of personality. I all the same listen that I'm shy. So that's why, my parents together with friends all didn't believe me. If I told my parents I was going to act, I intend they would've thought, 'Just how long volition he create it?'. I intend they stance that I would halt on my ain subsequently ii years.   

Q. You must've wanted to demonstrate them that you lot worked hard together with showed that you lot were properly acting.
  • My parents saying, "Try it" was similar a driving forcefulness to me. There were hard times but I didn't inquire my describe of piece of work solid unit of measurement for aid together with I lived my hardest. I wanted to demonstrate it the most to my parents.

Q. Since you lot tried acting, were you lot happy?
  • Yes, I'm happy. There's non a unmarried affair I regret doing inwards life. I also intend it was a expert stance that I played sports. It's truthful that beingness an histrion is hard but I'm happy. To hold upwardly honest, I experience similar I endured it because I receive got a sports/athlete's mentality. (laughs) It's a really hard task where friends quit inwards the middle. And I was also lucky. Every fourth dimension I was struggling the most, a projection constitute me. Even earlier 'Mr. Sunshine', it was a hard time, but expert luck joined me.   

Q. You played the utilisation of a Japanese inwards all of 'Anarchist from Colony', 'Imjin War 1592', together with 'Mr. Sunshine'. You're proficient inwards Japanese, how did you lot learn?
  • During college, I studied aboard inwards Nippon for a year. I learned a lot spell I was there. I was also greedy. Since I was already inwards Japan, I wanted to acquire it to the indicate where I was able to communicate inwards the language. So I couldn't aid but report hard. Even now, I'm capable of normal conversations. I'm all the same inwards contact alongside the Japanese friends I made at that time. I'm thankful for them. When I'm practicing my lines, I inquire them when I receive got questions together with I also inquire them near my pronunciation together with intonation.

Q. It seems similar you lot listen "He seems Japanese" a lot.
  • I heard it a lot inwards Korea but when I was genuinely inwards Japan, a lot of times, I heard people thinking I was Chinese. The commencement fourth dimension I went overseas was Nippon but when I boarded the airplane, they gave my friend a disembarkation carte du jour inwards Korean together with they gave me i inwards Japanese. I stance that was normal (being given a disembarkation carte du jour written inwards Japanese), then I filled it out spell working hard on translating it but I was surprised subsequently finding out my friend had a dissimilar form.

1. [+3574, -41] I stance they genuinely casted a Japanese. Wow, I didn't fifty-fifty uncertainty it at all. Amazing, amazing

2. [+1501, -22] I experience similar you're going to travel a expert histrion ^^ Because he genuinely seemed similar a Japanese officeholder who would transcend away for his country, I almost cussed ^^ Let's run across in i lawsuit to a greater extent than inwards a dissimilar utilisation

3. [+1250, -26] He seriously cunning together with killed it at playing a bastard.. I experience similar he's genuinely an fantabulous actor 
↪ [+236, -3] What the... It seems similar a compliment but it's variety of weird ㅋㅋ 

4. [+586, -9] I was seriously inwards awe spell watching his method acting, I know certainly he's going to prosper to a greater extent than compared to right away

5. [+283, -21] He looks similar he's alluvion alongside character, I'm supporting you lot    

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