Jang Geun Suk's Reps Deny Reports That Claimed He Was Enlisting On The 19Th

Original Source (TV Report via Naver): "Alternative service, enlisting on the 19th NO" Jang Geun Suk enlistment happening
1. [+1647, -51] Kyah (t/n: this is similar the audio of scoffing, non fangirling where they become "kyahhh") don't write option service too simply for sure write it's civil/public service
2. [+614, -26] Why are y'all populace service?
3. [+446, -23] I experience similar they seriously necessitate armed forces intense management for celebrities...
4. [+296, -25] Why are close celebrities degree 4? Me too my friends are all degree 1-2 (t/n: they're placed inwards a degree afterwards taking a exam that measures their physicality too health. If you're placed inwards degree 1-3 -> that way you're ordinarily establish well for y'all plenty for active duty, degree 3-4 -> civil/public service, degree 5-7 -> exemption)
5. [+174, -22] Why is he populace service..
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