[Knowing Bros] Nara, Bora, Momoland (Jooe + Yeon Woo)

t/n: They introduced themselves equally the novel LaLa Land because it's Nara, Bora summation Yeon Woo in addition to JooE (Momoland)

1. [+1021, -166] JooE is actually funny, let's come across each other to a greater extent than ofttimes on multifariousness shows!

2. [+587, -49] Nara actually overflows alongside charms in addition to she's pretty

3. [+580, -127] It feels similar Momoland stole their vocal in addition to trip the calorie-free fantastic toe from somewhere, am I the exclusively 1 who feels similar this?

4. [+295, -20] Nara's flush virtually her vision beingness bad in addition to ditching schoolhouse to larn swallow hamburgers was the funniest. Nara is pretty (t/n: She shared a flush where she ditched alongside her friend to larn swallow hamburgers in addition to when she came back, her instructor asked her where she went in addition to she lied only the instructor was like: "I saw you lot eating hamburgers, I was eating correct adjacent to you," in addition to she didn't realize it was her instructor because her vision is then bad. She didn't similar wearing spectacles then she would direct hold them off only she said afterwards that incident is when she started wearing contacts LOL)

5. [+263, -74] JooE is saving everything ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (t/n: This comment is basically maxim that JooE is the funniest in addition to she's keeping everything alive)

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