Fan Bing Bing In Conclusion Emerges On Sns Amongst An Apology For Taxation Evasion

Article: Fan Bing Bing writes official apology through SNS "I acknowledge to evading taxes, I am deeply reflecting"

Source: Starin via Nate

1. [+1,668, -76] Is it actually her who wrote it though?

2. [+1,508, -57] Is it actually but revenue enhancement evasion that caused this whole thing? It's every bit good weird, from her companionship going downwards to her disappearing to her dongsaeng crying

3. [+1,387, -54] I decline to believe it's her until she shows herself

4. [+63, -3] Fan Bing Bing's companionship has ever been known for having swell employee benefits together with doing a lot of charity work. Fan Bing Bing knows that revenue enhancement evasion is punishable past times the expiry penalisation inward China then why would she ever effort such a thing? I'm to a greater extent than inclined to believe the rumors that she rejected sexual favors earlier she disappeared.

5. [+62, -4] Is she alive?

6. [+48, -1] Maybe she actually did commit revenue enhancement evasion but that tin ever live handled past times the law. I intend people are thinking weird of this whole thing because her company's gone together with all traces of her inward her ain habitation are gone every bit good ㅠ This is then scary together with I decline to believe anyone until she shows her appear upwards together with clarifies everything herself.

7. [+48, -2] So has she managed to relieve her life at least?...

8. [+41, -5] Her dongsaeng sobbed inward populace twice over it... logically speaking, why would he bring sobbed if it was but a uncomplicated revenue enhancement evasion affair together with she was nether investigation for it? He'd live every bit good embarrassed together with would remain serenity instead. I intend Koreans don't realize that China is nevertheless ruled past times communism together with if they desire to exile someone, they tin brand upwards crimes together with produce whatever they desire to brand certain it's done;;

9. [+40, -3] No word at all until 1 random postal service but now... At this point, fifty-fifty if she showed her face, I intend people would live suspicious if it's fifty-fifty her or individual they got plastic surgical physical care for to await similar her.

10. [+27, -2] Her SNS postal service is written similar but about populace service announcement... I dubiety she wrote it herself, sounds to a greater extent than similar she was ordered to follow the template of a psa ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+24, -0] If she committed a crime, she should've been investigated together with jailed. Why the random three calendar month disappearance? There's a argue people are then reluctant to believe everything now.

12. [+23, -7] Song Hye Gyo together with Kang Ho Dong must certain live happy they're Korean correct now


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