Investigations Detect That Goo Hara's Ex Did Non Distribute The Video Inward Question

Article: [Exclusive] Police conclude "There was no distribution of Goo Hara's video", investigation squad says

Source: Korea Ilbo via Nate

1. [+1,785, -112] The fact that he threatened her alongside the video is a criminal offense already, whether he distributed the video or not. He's going to create this in 1 lawsuit again if they permit him larn away alongside it together with then punish him hard.

2. [+1,622, -80] I'm certain he hasn't distributed it "yet". Isn't the bigger effect hither that he threatened her alongside the video?

3. [+1,269, -77] Jong Bum-ah, this is a muddied hold off for you

4. [+59, -7] Well I'm glad he didn't distribute it but he should however live on punished

5. [+58, -9] What gives me goosebumps to intend virtually is that he'll encounter upwards alongside his friends after together with they'll live on similar "whoa man, how is she inward bed?" together with he'll in all likelihood tell them everything over drinks piece Goo Hara is stuck at home, scared of the watchful eyes of others when she's but the victim.

6. [+36, -3] Either way, he threatened her alongside it. Anyone who does that deserves jail

7. [+34, -6] Why create I larn the feeling that he's going to larn off scot gratis if they don't uncovering whatever network traces proving that he distributed the video? How volition Goo Hara live on compensated for the fourth dimension she spent shaking inward fearfulness after existence threatened past times that video? When he told Goo Hara's dongsaeng that he'd rather serve fourth dimension inward jail after distributing the video? Just because he never truly did it doesn't hateful the video doesn't be together with that he didn't purpose it to threaten her. How is it fair that a 2nd of deed betwixt 2 consenting parties forthwith has 1 shaking inward fearfulness together with the other making threats?

8. [+31, -5] I'm certain he never distributed it since he wanted to sell it to Dispatch inward the initiatory of all place. Why would he give it away for free?


Article: Choi Jong Bum reps discover to a greater extent than laid on pictures together with additional Katalks "She is distorting the truth... this is our warning"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+1,148, -52] He idea Dispatch would live on on his side, that he wouldn't disappoint... good forthwith all of this is coming dorsum equally a boomerang

2. [+935, -64] Get that human face upwards off my screen

3. [+741, -159] Oh jeez, skilful chore Goo Hara

4. [+116, -7] Well did you lot intend she wouldn't struggle dorsum when you lot were assaulting her? Fine, let's tell it was a double sided assault... aren't you lot at to the lowest degree embarrassed of your desperate attempts to larn all these bloody pictures down?

5. [+113, -5] We larn it, you lot both assaulted each other... but everything you've done after has proven to live on pathetic

6. [+70, -3] Yes, nosotros all handgrip that Goo Hara scratched upwards your human face upwards pretty badly, which is why populace persuasion turned against her inward the beginning. But because you lot were the idiot who threatened her alongside the video, you're forthwith the worse criminal regardless than your human face upwards looking similar this.

7. [+56, -6] Just thinking of him smoking inward the elevate alongside his human face upwards looking similar this gives me goosebumps. He was in all likelihood looking at the elevate mirror wondering how much coin he could travel out of this. Or was he already plotting Dispatch at that stage?

8. [+52, -6] He needs to travel out more. Goo Hara is virtually equally pocket-size equally my footling sister, how create you lot larn this trounce upwards past times her?

9. [+47, -8] He should live on lucky Goo Hara didn't dig his eyes out... revenge porno is the worst

10. [+24, -4] He threatened her alongside the video... For Goo Hara, that's a sense of fearfulness equally worse equally death. He should live on lucky that this is all she did to him. He deserved to choke for that one...


Article: 'Section TV' Goo Hara to sue ex-boyfriend for blackmail, "Impossible to prosecute him because the video was filmed nether consent"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+2,184, -165] That's ridiculous. Even if it was filmed nether consent, she didn't consent to him threatening to distribute it together with then why is it together with then difficult to prosecute somebody for that? Why is the law ever on the side of the attacker?

2. [+1,454, -148] Consensual?!!!!!!!!....

3. [+1,206, -983] I however don't intend Goo Hara's your average kid past times the means she scratched his human face upwards together with torso up.

4. [+164, -23] So he can't live on prosecuted for a video that was filmed nether consent fifty-fifty if he distributed it without her consent? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This province is going crazy. No wonder women are out on protests!

5. [+1411, -12] Even if the video was filmed nether consent, she did non consent to it existence distributed!

6. [+114, -5] So the law is basically non going to protect Goo Hara unless he truly distributed it. He gets off gratis for making threats equally long equally he doesn't create it ㅜ

7. [+104, -3] She deleted it together with he recovered it together with used it to threaten her, how is that non a work at all?

8. [+99, -14] I scream back something a constabulary said: fifty-fifty if people download hidden photographic boob tube camera videos, if the constabulary had to prosecute everyone who watched together with downloaded it, the bulk of Korean men would convey to live on jailed together with then it's impossible to prosecute people for it.


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