Korean Franchises Convey To Pay To A Greater Extent Than To Play Music Inward Their Stores

Article: Will at that spot hold out no to a greater extent than recent music at cafes in addition to bakeries... "Pay 10 billion won more"

Source: SBS via Nate

With a novel law, the franchises volition receive got to pay $4 sixty for "performing rights" to play music inwards their stores starting August 23. On tumble out of that, Korea Music Copyright Association is too demanding the franchises to pay two 10 billion won for the final v years of playing music.

1. [+2281, -64] Those assholes are greedy. They quest to undergo a taxation investigation!

2. [+1928, -74] I immature lady the feelings when at that spot used to hold out trip the lite fantastic music playing on the street inwards the 90's.

3. [+1526, -81] As somebody who doesn't lookout TV in addition to doesn't download music, the cafe is the solely house where I larn to heed to recent music. Are they insane?

4. [+135, -6] They're non fifty-fifty considering the fact that music playing on the street helps to promote the songs. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of people don't actively essay recent music, they hear songs randomly, similar them, in addition to purchase them.

5. [+124, -4] From the singers' perspective, isn't it beneficial for their songs to hold out playing inwards stores? If their songs are playing hither in addition to there, it'll hold out exposed to the populace in addition to those who don't lookout TV or heed to music volition honor out most them. If songs are unknown because of the copyrights, the singers volition lose more.

6. [+107, -3] "Popular music" is meaningless if the populace doesn't heed to it. It's non incorrect to protect copyrights exactly shouldn't they hold out flexible to arrive a win-win situation? There are a lot of year-end laurels shows in addition to the shows are going to hold out their ain parties.

7. [+96, -0] Just play classical music, then. It feels calm when classical music is playing inwards a java shop.

8. [+83, -5] This is why I stopped playing music inwards my gym. I'm too going to receive got downward the speakers. The customers solely quest the TV in addition to everybody exercises amongst earphones anyways. If I'm non playing music, they won't need me to pay, volition they? It's been a acre since I stopped playing music exactly no ane has complained. They genuinely said they similar how tranquillity it is.

9. [+80, -2] Yeah, nosotros tin post away alive quietly... What's the betoken of paying hence much coin to play music? Was it proficient to receive got no Christmas songs on the street inwards December? It ruined the concern of Christmas songs. Recent songs are trash that disappear inside a few years. They're non worth whatsoever penny. They should hold out paying me for listening to them instead ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+76, -2] It's non similar the artists are going to the stores to perform exactly they're demanding to hold out paid for performing rights. I wonder what they'll need side yesteryear side time.

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