Goo Hara Remains Soundless For Iv Days Despite Boyfriend's Moving Painting Proof

Article: Goo Hara stays soundless for 4 days fifty-fifty later beau reveals wounds... when volition she opened upwards up?

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+2,601, -93] Stop looking for ways to weasel your agency out of this together with leave of absence together with larn investigated. The wounds she left on that man's human face upwards volition live at that spot for the residue of his life no thing how much he gets treated... she's actually shameless.

2. [+2,559, -158] She's the 1 who hitting on him through Instagram DMs offset together with she's the 1 who offered to alive together offset together with she's the 1 who hitting him offset together with she's the 1 who got dumped offset await at how she's ended upwards ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+369, -19] The beau actually seems to convey done all that he could. He had to halt the province of affairs he was inwards together with calling the law was in all likelihood the alone agency he could halt Goo Hara's rage. I'm actually worried for Goo Hara... I'm certain she'll larn improve 1 time she gets treated for anger administration issues together with depression. I know that she had a fossil oil childhood together with household unit of measurement problems which in all likelihood resulted inwards a craving for affection to low together with anger administration issues. As soul who's gone through the same thing, I actually experience for her.

4. [+153, -2] If the human was lying at all, I'm certain she'd live out alongside official statements already. The longer she drags this out, the worse it's going to larn for her.

5. [+135, -7] I knew she had issues when she offset threw that H2O bottle

6. [+117, -4] She seems to convey a temper

7. [+111, -4] She tried to media play together with brand her beau out to live the bad guy only it backfired

8. [+109, -2] She earned thence much fame together with wealth without whatever talent at a immature age, she directly seems to intend that the entire basis is her playground

9. [+99, -0] The wounds she left on his human face upwards volition demand Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation handling at a plastic operation clinic. It's actually horrible what she did to his face.

10. [+91, -4] Her celebrity career is actually over...

11. [+90, -3] What would she convey to say??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She's in all likelihood rocking her encephalon for the by 4 days wondering what fiction she tin come upwards up with

12. [+78, -1] If I was that man's mother, I would've tried to kill her ㅠㅠ it's obvious it's going to scar badly ㅜㅜ

13. [+74, -1] She's in all likelihood also embarrassed to exhibit her face

14. [+64, -1] Why is she fifty-fifty hospitalized? Still can't cope her rage?

15. [+54, -0] If my ain dongsaeng suffered scratches similar that, I would've already killed her human face upwards together with thence some. What a trash of a b*tch.


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