The 2 Summit Manly Somebody Idols Who Conform The Mullet Hairstyle The Best

He suits this hairstyle actually good that virtually no ane questionied his hairstyle when he get-go changed it..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Whoa, GD actually does conform that hairstyle.. That took my yesteryear surprise..
-I heard that GD intentionally grew out his pilus to shroud his novel tattoo from his parents..ㅠㅠㅠ
-Isn't it Byun Baekhyun when it comes to mullet hairstyle..?
-Oh.. I've ever idea that GD rocks that hairstyle but I convey never expected V to facial expression adept inward that hairstyle every bit well..
-For me, it's Baekhyun..
-They actually utilise conform that hairstyle actually well.. Almost every celebrities amongst this hairstyle facial expression adept amongst it, they convey the best visuals to start off with..
-For me, it's Kwon Hyunbin.. There's a argue why models are models..
-For me it's Baekhyun together with Jung Ilhoon.. Both of them convey actually small-scale faces, that's what makes them conform that hairstyle actually well..
-Whoa.. I promise GD volition convey this hairstyle for the residue of his life..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-Rather than rocking the hairstyle, I intend V is simply means then handsome that no ane would pay attending to his hairstyle no thing how outstanding it is..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And for GD, he actually rocks that hairstyle..
-I manage amongst this post, together with I would similar to add together The8 from Seventeen on the list..ㅋㅋㅋ He actually looks similar a virile somebody monarch amongst that hairstyle..
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