[Enter-Talk] Daniel's Earring Today

Today, Daniel was seen wearing a security pivot earring at the concert

"I don't discriminate you"

This is the pregnant behind the earring

It wasn't entirely at that time, but he was seen wearing it inwards Jan too

I back upwardly Kang Daniel fighting against discrimination in addition to everything he supports!

On the same day

Niel doing aegyo to his manager

Helping Daehwi greet the fans, the hyung who's showing the metropolis viewㅋㅋ

Kang Daniel rushing to have the java the managing director brought him

post response:
master post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.07 01:19 신고하기
The pregnant behind the security pivot is to process women, sexual minorities in addition to racial minorities amongst love... he's maxim that he's a "safe person"...ㅜ ㅜ As expected from Daniel....ㅜ ㅜ

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.07 02:55 신고하기
Kang Daniel why are y'all similar that ? ㅋㅋ in addition to then cute

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.07 03:55 신고하기
I learned in addition to then much fangirling over him ㅇㅇ I'm non maxim this to brag close him, but I actually learned a lot! There are in addition to then many talks close Kang Daniel from the people some him in addition to I've started liking him too. I originally tried to live on a skillful fan liking what he does, but now, I simply desire to move difficult becoming a skillful person
(adopting a penguinfrom WWF)
ㅇㅇ |2018.10.07 03:19 신고하기
Kang Daniel Such a pretty somebody

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.07 05:52 신고하기
OP-yah add together those too! He was already wearing displace tshirst equally a trainee, he supported the comfort women amongst his bracelets, children poverty bracelets, Dokdo shoes, security workout, Ice bucket challenge, etc.

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.07 06:07 신고하기
I constitute him in addition to then cool when he told a fan that he volition donate himself when she asked him what foundation she could donate to inwards his nameㅠㅠㅠ

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