[Article Translation] People Adopt Corgis Equally The Breed Became Trendy, Simply Halt Upward Abandoning The Dogs

Happy too Bread who were adopted solely because of their appearance but were abandoned

Happy smiles brightly at a Canis familiaris park

Original Source (Hankook Ilbo via Naver): 'Short legs too bread-like butt'...Welsh corgis who were adopted equally they became trendy but were abandoned

Dogs too the sentiment of raising dogs acquire pop equally they're featured on multifariousness shows too acquire pop on social media. But creature protection groups worry when breeds on introduced on shows because at that topographic point are many dogs who acquire adopted equally their breed gets trendy/popular but at that topographic point are that many dogs that acquire abandoned. 

Welsh corgis' trademark is their bread-like butts too curt legs too that breed became to a greater extent than known afterwards beingness featured on an creature show. From the fourth dimension of the broadcast, there's been give-and-take that the possibility of the Welsh corgi breed beingness abandoned volition increase but Happy (1 twelvemonth old, female) too Bread (1 twelvemonth old, male) is proof that that work concern has acquire reality.

Happy is hither smiling at the adoption event, looking to honour a novel family. He was abandoned afterwards beingness adopted without the family's consent too passed off this i habitation to another.

Happy too Bread receive got inwards mutual that they were adopted solely afterwards looking at their appearance but beingness abandoned. Welsh corgis are known for their gilt fur but they receive got a characteristic where that much fur sheds, also because they receive got hence much liberate energy - they're a breed where yous receive got to receive got them out to exercise. Other dogs are the same but Welsh corgis actually require a lot of attention (t/n: attending equally in, yous take away to groom them, receive got them out, etc - a lot of work).

Happy was rashly adopted without the family's consent too was abandoned. H5N1 coworker who learned most the province of affairs took inwards Happy but the Canis familiaris wasn't welcomed inwards that home. After, spell a household unit of measurement was fostering Happy, they trusted Happy at a Canis familiaris preschool too that's where Happy's connectedness began amongst 'People who are finding happiness for abandoned animals' - a volunteer grouping that assists abandoned dogs. Bread's household unit of measurement personally rescinded their ownership at a infirmary too was abandoned. They tell the argue he was abandoned is because the household unit of measurement didn't receive got fourth dimension to enhance him. In Bread's case, he was fifty-fifty scared of a leash because he's never worn leash before, it also took him a long fourth dimension to acquire some the other dogs. The volunteer grouping said, "Both of them shed a lot, when they bark, their barks are loud, yous also take away to exercise them a lot too what not. Without knowing the breed's characteristics, they're the instance where people adopted them afterwards solely looking at their appearance too and hence abandoned them. Welsh corgis aren't breeds where yous tin adopt them afterwards only looking at their butts."

 Bread was adopted for his perfect appearance but because of the argue that the household unit of measurement didn't receive got fourth dimension for him, he was abandoned at a hospital

Happy too Bread both similar people too receive got no wellness problems. But they only take away a household unit of measurement who tin pass a lot of fourth dimension amongst them too receive got them out for walks. Is at that topographic point no i out at that topographic point who tin beloved Happy too Bread, who experienced the hurting of beingness abandoned, non only for their appearance but also for their energetic personality too fifty-fifty their shedding?  

1. [+3524, -329] People who swallow dogs are to a greater extent than honest ㅋㅋ They only tell "pet, pet" but inwards actuality, their responsibilities - if they don't similar the dog, they're Canis familiaris owners who abandon the Canis familiaris ㅋㅋ

2. [+1624, -75] I mean value it's correct for creature protection groups to promote how to properly enhance companion animals too learn manners too what non rather than the Canis familiaris meat controversy. Sometimes, at that topographic point are a lot of times where I'm dumbfounded past times creature protection groups' protests      

3. [+1542, -23] H5N1 lot of coin goes into raising a dog. Every month, I basically pass most 200,000 won. If they acquire sick, I'm thinking that I'll pass more. If yous don't receive got time, don't receive got money, don't receive got your family's consent - seriously don't mean value most raising a Canis familiaris too don't purchase them at shops

4. [+1363, -24] What's the indicate of raising them if you're going to abandon them? Motherfuckers 

5. [+920, -7] Welsh corgis are a breed that doesn't represent a Korean-style household. Their personalities are practiced but they shed a lot. They shed to the indicate where it's difficult to manage, for apartments, it's amend to enhance breeds similar poodle, maltese, shih tzus.Basically, there's argue why there's some breeds that many enhance too some breeds many don't raise. In this case, I recommend a poodle. They don't shed at all too because they're smart, they're the suitable breed for a household dog.  
↪ [+224, -29] There's no Canis familiaris on globe that doesn't shed at all

6. [+305, -0] I similar dogs too cats but I don't enhance them...... Because I similar them where I tin only run into them - If yous don't receive got the confidence to last responsible for them until they pop off to heaven, it's correct non to enhance them.  

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