[Omniscient Interfering Sentiment Roundup] Viewers Criticize The Present + The Panel For Their Mental Attitude Towards Commons Sung Kwang's Modest Fanmeeting

Nationwide ratings for this week's episode: 7.7% (cr. Naver TV)

t/n: So basically, for similar the past times three weeks or so, the exhibit has been dragging on close Park Sung Kwang's fanmeeting together with they kept making people anticipate close it together with the fanmeeting episode in conclusion aired this week. Everyone thought a lot of fans showed upwards but inwards reality, 12 showed upwards together with the panelists began laughing together with joking close it. H5N1 lot of the viewers felt uncomfortable amongst this mental attitude because they thought the panelists were ridiculing Park Sung Kwang together with his fans. Among the fans that showed up, in that place was ane fan who was his fan since Park Sung Kwang was performing during his Daehak-ro days (t/n: a pop district where actors, comedians perform) together with the fan has been his fan for similar fifteen years together with Park Sung Kwang simply knows her now. Personally, I thought it was effed upwards that they would drag it on similar this simply to arrive into a joke, together with a lot of fans didn't attend because they weren't comfortable amongst beingness filmed for a TV show.  

1. [+3183, -32] I experience similar Park Sung Kwang is a skillful person

2. [+1860, -18] While watching, it was quite moving. What's then of import close the total of people that come, it's the pump that matters

3. [+1268, -27] Still, I thought xxx people would come, were they burdened because they were told they volition last filming it
↪ [+461, -2] Over 50 people applied to attend the fanmeeting but many people didn't come upwards because they were burdened past times the thought of appearing on TV

4. [+1225, -59] There were no issues amongst the fanmeeting but why are in that place no articles pointing out the panelists for their attitude, why are trash journalists on their toes?

5. [+799, -23] Park Sung Kwang together with his director are quite skillful people. 

6. [+552, -11] Looking at the comments made past times the people who attended the fanmeeting, some 50 people applied to attend but because of the show, many of them didn't come. It's because of their filming, they should've known how many people were gonna exhibit upwards but the production squad edited it similar that together with the panelists who completely crossed the occupation amongst teasing together with didn't process the 12 people similar humans - don't alive similar that, inwards front end of the director together with the celebrity who bought to a greater extent than containers for the lemon dearest because they said 50 people volition come 

7. [+475, -21] At the halt of the show, in that place were comments coming downwards on the panelists' rude manners together with mental attitude but they began switching out articles - Lee Young Ja, Song Eun Yi, Jun Hyun Moo, Yang Se Hyun-ssi, send appropriately/know the limit. While inwards a group, don't brand someone into an idiot together with intend of that equally humor. 

8. [+406, -17] Hyun Moo-yah On 'I Live Alone', yous also alone had some lxxx people attend. It's the same equally 100 people non showing up.. Isn't it a fleck also much proverb things like, "Is this a hidden camera?" Don't simply tell things to last funny 

9. [+357, -7] Yang Se Bari, last careful amongst your mouth 

1. [+2312, -11] Rather than 120 or 1200 fans, aren't yous to a greater extent than proud of together with envious of having a fan that's been amongst yous for fifteen years earlier yous were a comedian during your performing years? Why are they teasing him...?   

2. [+1971, -42] Are 12 people non considered fans? I was appalled seeing Yang Se Hyung mocking him, what are all these people doing inwards front end of a person 
↪ [+292, -6] I actually couldn't stand upwards the sight of Yang Se Hyung... ㅠㅠ
↪ [+151, -6] Jun Hyun Moo too
↪ [+265, -1] This isn't simply pain Park Sung Kwang, this is pain his fans also together with seeing his fans wound volition ane time over again wound Park Sung Kwang 

3. [+1373, -20] He might've been a fleck taken aback at foremost but the vibes looked skillful because he was able to conduct maintain pictures amongst all the fans, purchase them food, together with was able to communicate amongst them to a greater extent than but seriously, the panelists today actually crossed the line..

4. [+1081, -14] Isn't this the production team's problem? They edited it equally if many people were going to attend together with they dragged that along for three weeks, I alone reckon it equally them mocking Park Sung Kwang together with the viewers to heighten their ratings ㅋㅋ This is seriously also much. You're making the precious fans into a joke? And seriously, the panelists proceed looking downwards on Park Sung Kwang but how slap-up of a celebrity are yous guys? How are yous dissimilar from non-celebrities ㅋㅋㅋ? 

5. [+452, -5] Park Sung Kwang actually seems similar a skillful person, it's non slow for a mortal to last a fan since his performing days together with withal last a fan supporting him fifteen years later... Seriously, what's the holler for of having 50 or 100 people exhibit upwards when you'll last unsure if fifty-fifty 10 of them are genuine fans... 

6. [+462, -21] I conduct maintain a feeling that this year's daesang for the amusement respect is betwixt Lee Young Ja together with Park Narae but after watching this episode, I intend it's correct for Park Narae to have it because when yous lookout adult man Park Narae, she ever makes jokes close herself but she's never made jokes land looking downwards on others or past times mocking them. Seriously, that's non slow but she's quite thoughtful 

7. [+398, -5] I experience similar Jun Hyun Moo together with Yang Se Hyung were seriously mocking also much.. What practise yous intend the 12 people would've said after watching the episode, they seriously intend they had a lot of popularity since the beginning, Lee Young Ja should've also taken attention of her junior  

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